Monday, September 22, 2008

wtf palin!

Once again the media and the rest of this country is playing Captain-Save-A-White-Chick. The campaign staffs (allegedly Obama’s campaign as well) have agreed to cater to Princess Palin and change up the format of the upcoming VP candidate debate to be less harsh on her. Story I don’t do knock-offs and that’s exactly what that “debate” is going to be. And um, Mrs. Palin, if you’e scared to answer tough questions in your own country, who would feel comfortable with you possibly RUNNING the country? I didn’t know this was the definition of women taking a step forward. We don’t care that you’re “inexperienced” in debating. You wanted to play with the big girls and boys. So either put on your big girl panties and learn quick…or GTFOH. Real talk.

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